May 1, 2022 Meeting
Posted Monday, May 2, 2022 01:07 PM

SW HS Reunion Meeting: 5/1/22

Attending: Veronica, Paul, Jimmy, June, Margaret, Bob S. (by phone), Wai, Julie

Venue Committee Report: Bob said there’s been a request from one of our classmates to be sure there are gluten-free and vegan food options. This is noted and will be accommodated.

Bob Stein reported that the venue has everything we need, audio-visual, microphones & TV screen above sign-in table.Can hook up flash-drive to show a graphic to greet. Bob said he can bring extra screen if needed.

Fun Committee: Meeting after full committee meeting and will include activities plans with notes.

Discussed that Margaret can find a Bose speaker that will work with a smartphone to play music. Jimmy wondered if we could get together to make posters, like in High School. Wai added that it would add to the HS ambiance.

Outreach Committee:  Currently Registered Class of ‘80 - 32 classmates; 10 guests. Class of ‘81 - 17 classmates registered; 7 guests. Total registered is 66.

Paul now has access to the Class of ‘81 website. Discussed whether publishing this number of registered will encourage or discourage people from coming. Decided people can go to the website and can see who has registered. Maybe include a link in one of the communications pieces.

Paul has been reaching out to people who said “yes” to the reunion in earlier survey but still haven’t registered. Reviewed names and committee members grabbed names of people they know. Same with list of those who attended the 30-year reunion, as they might be more likely to attend this one. There are 63 people who attended the 30-year who have not registered.

Paul will compile the lists and send out contact information so we can reach out and encourage registrations.

We discussed whether to poll people about a tour before the Bunny’s happy hour. Group tours must be arranged through Community Ed. General feeling is that there won’t be a lot of interest.

Snail Mail: Outreach Committee has a short list of people who they think have good addresses, but no electronic contact. About 20. They will develop a mailing for those.

Discussed how to engage stories of the ESL students who we graduated with. June interviewed Toan Dinh Quan two years ago to gauge interest in a newspaper story about that time of intense immigration. Toan was not interested. Discussed if we could collect stories from former teachers or principals?? 

Link to GoogleDoc with Fun Committee plans for the event: CLICK HERE

Next Meeting: May 22, 4:00 CT